Azure networking: Hub and spoke topology with terraform

    The hub and spoke topology has been widely adopted for enterprise production deployment. In this lab, let put on our network/infrastructure engineer hat and get our hand dirty on Azure Hub and spoke topology with one of the popular IaC – Terraform. Lets have a look at the high level architecture first. Overall architecture of the lab The essence of the topology is, by the name of it, having all traffic routed to hub before it gets forwarded to spoke....

    Created April 11, 2022 · 15 min · Neil Xu

    Secure Databricks cluster with vNet injection and access resources via Azure private endpoint

    What an interesting topic I had recently regarding on security hardening Databricks using Secure cluster connectivity + vNet injection. This configuration will allow the cluster to access Azure Data Lake Storage (I know right ?! what a popular combination!) and keyvault with private endpoint. In this post, in a lab environment, we will find out how we can put Databricks cluster inside existing Azure virtual network and access private endpoint deployed inside it....

    Created March 28, 2022 · Updated Apr 11, 2022 · 15 min · Neil Xu